Self-build Part 2: Regulatory and Statutory Issues
Somewhat later than advertised, this is the second in our three-part series of blogs giving advice on how to avoid common pitfalls in self-build construction projects.
The first blog covered budgets and cost certainty, and this post will cover the second of the three main pitfalls to self-building: Regulatory and Statutory issues.
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Self-build Part 2: Regulatory and Statutory Issues
Somewhat later than advertised, this is the second in our three-part series of blogs giving advice on how to avoid common pitfalls in self-build construction projects.
The first blog covered budgets and cost certainty, and this post will cover the second of the three main pitfalls to self-building: Regulatory and Statutory issues.
So what are the common issues?
- Starting on site with Key Detail and design decisions unresolved. Late decisions on finishes etc impacting on work already completed or resulting in project delays.
- Inexperienced self-builders not employing professionals to advise on regulatory compliance; lack of understanding leading to abortive work and additional cost
- Changes to design when already on site impacting on cost, time and regulatory compliance
The result?
Projects going over budget
The solution?
Ensure all key decisions and compliances are resolved before starting on site
The first of our common issues in this section really is fundamental. So many of those Grand Designs projects which go over budget within this section have done so because of a failure to prepare.
There are a number of issues which crop up time and again.
- Inadequate site or building investigation prior to tendering or cost planning. In the case of open sites this can mean levels surveys, soil investigations, arboricultural surveys. Where there are existing buildings it can also include detailed structural surveys, asbestos surveys, ecological surveys for bat roosting and many others. Your architect should advise you of what investigations and reports are necessary, but note that trying to save a few grand in fees by not having a full and comprehensive picture of your site or building will very often result in increased construction costs due to unforeseen issues.
- Unresolved construction details or material specifications. I’m sure I don’t need to elaborate too much on this…‘Winging it’ is never a cost saving option!
- Unresolved finishes and fit out details. No one expects you to have finalised every single decision in a construction project before the first spade hits the ground, but it is important to have an understanding of what decisions can be easily delayed, and when those decisions will become critical to the programme of the project. For instance, not choosing the exact toilet or sink is usually fine, but not finalising kitchen and bathroom layouts until late in the process can mean that services are not in the right location. A good contractor will have produced you a programme of work and will be able to give you dates by when outstanding decisions will need to be made in order to prevent delays to the contract. Despite this, you will need to bear in mind that even if you make a decision by the date the contractor asks, if you chose something that is on a long lead in, there will be a delay to the project.
So what do you need to know?
As you may be aware, the biggest technical hurdle for you and your design team to overcome prior to commencing on site is compliance with the Building Regulations. The Regulations are a set of 16 technical requirements that every building project must prove it can comply with to the satisfaction of the Local Authority.
So as a background, the actual requirement of each of the building regulations is in reality very small, usually no more than a paragraph outlining a particular fundamental objective for each document. However, each regulation is supported by what is known as an Approved Document, which set out the steps you need to take to prove you comply with the regulation.
It’s worth noting that the Approved Document sets out one method of compliance. This is often the easiest route but isn’t by any means the only route. If you are able to prove that you comply with the wording of the regulation by another means, and can agree that with the Building Inspector, you do not necessarily have to comply with the method set out in the Approved Document. This can be helpful if your building is particularly complex or innovative, and the Approved Document route to compliance may stifle the design.
Compliance with the regulations has two stages. The first is a submission of detailed drawings, specifications and calculations to Building Control, via what is known as a ‘full plans’ application, which must be made and approved before works can start on site. This submission can be phased but building control will require each element of the work to be signed off before it commences on site.
The second stage is Inspection. The Building Control officer will come out and inspect the works at key stages as the build proceeds to ensure that you are building in accordance with the details you submitted. Any changes along the way may result in Building Control requesting more or revised drawings or calculations.
Now, on some occasions, your contractor may suggest building something differently to what is on the approved drawings. There may be a cost saving involved, or it may just be that contractor’s preferred method. It’s vital to ensure that any change suggested is assessed for technical compliance by your design team and is signed off by building control. If there is no cost saving being offered by the contractor, bear in mind that you might incur additional design fees in having the change assessed by the architect or engineer, and so unless there are other contributing factors that make it worthwhile, it may not be in your best interest to agree to the change.
While there are certain changes that you would probably expect to be subject to the scrutiny of Building Control (such as structural or layout changes), there are a couple of others which are less obvious which I’d like to draw your attention to.
The first is compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations; Conservation of Fuel and Power. For new dwellings, you are required to produce what is known as a SAP calculation. This is a detailed set of calculations produced by a consultant which demonstrate the thermal and energy performance of the building. This calculation details every thermal and mechanical element of the building, from the orientation of the windows, to their thermal properties, to any natural shading available in the form of trees or other buildings, to the specification of the heating system.
You will be required to produce one ‘as designed’ calculation and one ‘as built’ calculation, so any changes you make to specification of thermal elements during construction will need to show compliance. So, for example, if you decided to change from a woodburning stove to an open fire, or change the insulation you use in the walls, I would advise checking with your consultant that any change will comply before undertaking the work. They can usually check this very quickly by simply changing a few entries in the software. This will prevent a nasty surprise later when the as-built calculation is produced, and the changes result in a fail.
The second, and the less well known, is the specification of your sanitaryware and taps. Under Part G (Sanitation, Hot Water Safety and Water Efficiency), you are required to provide a calculation to demonstrate that your home will use less than the Government set target of 125l water per person per day. In a nutshell you will be required to calculate the total water use of each of your WC’s and showers and taps, the total capacity of your baths. So where most people will think they can go out and buy whatever sanitaryware they like as long as it will fit the space, this is often not the case. If your Architect is involved in helping you choose the fittings, they will most likely undertake this calculation on your behalf and advise accordingly. If this is something you will be taking on yourself, a free calculator ‘tool’ can be found online, which requires you to input technical specifications from each item which you would be wise to do before paying for anything.
Finally in this section, it’s worth noting that Building Control services can be procured in two ways. Either directly with the Local Authority Building Control department, or increasingly via one of the many independent Approved Inspectors located around the country. There are pros and cons to each, and often you’ll find different local authorities provide better services than others.
So, a couple of other regulatory items to consider.
The revised Construction & Design Management Regulations came into effect in 2015, replacing an ineffectual previous version. One of the major changes between the previous version and this one is that significantly greater responsibility is placed on the clients of construction projects, whether domestic or commercial. If you’ve already appointed an architect for your project, they’ll have had to inform you of your duties under the CDM regulations, in particular advising on the appointment of a Principal Designer to manage the Health and Safety aspects of the design on your behalf.
This appointment needs to be made at the very early stages of the project and has to be someone actively involved in the design day to day. It therefore usually is a service offered by the Architect alongside their standard appointment.
The second item to be aware of here is the Party Wall Act 1996. This is in place to ensure that people undertaking adjacent to neighbouring properties cannot cause any damage to that property by the work they undertake. So works up to the boundary, or works whose footings may cross the boundary in certain prescribed ways must be agreed with the neighbouring property owner in the manner set out in the Act.
The Big One
Finally in this post we have one of the most common causes of delays and cost increases on site, which are changes to the design when the project is already underway. It is easy to understand, as sometimes it is difficult for particularly clients inexperienced in building and reading drawings to get a feel for a space before they are actually standing in it, and occasionally the reality is not quite what was expected, or an opportunity hasn’t quite been realised. Changes of course come in all shapes and sizes, from simply relocating an internal door at an early stage in the build, to the moving of a wall after it has been plastered and electrics fitted. Either way, there will be a cost and, usually, time implication.
So how can we avoid this? The onus falls jointly on the client and the architect and comes down to ensuring that you the client fully understands the plans and appreciates the implications of the design decisions being made during the design phase. The client needs to ensure that they speak up if there is anything they don’t understand or cannot fully visualise.
Alongside the more common Plan, Elevation and Section drawings, many Architects utilise sketches, physical models or three dimensional computer generated images to give clients an understanding of the spaces in their building. However, these are services which are not always included in an architect’s standard appointment, so if you think this is something you would require then speak to your architect when agreeing their appointment and ensure that it is included.
In the third and final blog post I will discuss the production of information for pricing by contractors, but it is worth noting here that if there are decisions which you feel you cannot make before work starts (such as finishes, kitchens, bathrooms etc), ensure that the contract allows Provisional lump sums to cover this work. If what you chose is cheaper, you will only pay the lower figure, but if it is higher you will be required to pay the extra. However, this ensures that there is at least an allowance within the contract sum for supplying and installing and ensures that it doesn’t get forgotten.
It is worth also noting that any changes which you wish to make which affect the external appearance of the house, such as moving or adding an opening, changes to external finishes or levels will usually require an amendment to your planning permission. This will require additional fees to be paid to your architect and the local authority and may cause a delay while the application progresses through the red tape.
Hopefully this post has given you some useful background to the regulatory and compliance issues facing you as a self-builder, please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.